Are You Leading Your Business With a Limp?


Do you find yourself leading your business with a limp?

Let me explain further…

For many women business owners, one of the biggest challenges in their business is learning to delegate.

Perhaps it’s one of yours as well.

They find it difficult to determine which tasks and projects should be delegated and who should take them. It’s stressful and frightening for them. I’ve been there and understand. Fortunately and happily, when they give up some control (typically the day-to-day operations of the business), they’re able to truly step up to the leadership and CEO role to grow their business.

Reluctance to delegate cripples not only your effectiveness as a leader, but also your ability to grow your business.

Determining the best course of action when it comes to delegation is a primary focus of a true Online Business Manager. Through effective delegation, an Online Business Manager will help you increase sales, boost productivity to increase ROI, save money, and create more time. You’ll finally be able to put a value on the time you spend on your business.

You may be wondering why an Online Business Manager would focus so much on delegation. Simply put, delegation is the best way to take a business to the next level. If your business generates multiple 6-7 figures, it’s time to delegate to grow.

Behind every successful business is a well-planned delegation strategy.

The CEO can’t do everything herself, and she needs her Online Business Manager and team to carry out the tasks and projects that bring her ideas to life.

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As the CEO and Visionary, your job is to create and strategize, and delegating gives you time and energy to do that.

How does delegation help you grow your business and step into your CEO role?

  • When you delegate, you bring everyone’s strengths to the table and utilize them in the best way, including your own. You elevate your team by encouraging them to do what they do best and what they enjoy.
  • You also elevate yourself by getting out of those low-level tasks you’re not suited for and don’t enjoy. You create more time to do what you do best, just as your team does.
  • When everyone is performing to the best of their abilities, they love their jobs and go the extra mile. Everyone is more productive, sales increase, and your business can’t help but grow and prosper.
  • Your team, vendors, and clients have a clear picture of who plays which role in the business. They stop going to you for everything.

What happens when you don’t delegate?

  • No one’s strengths are utilized to the fullest, including yours. Everyone is simply trying to get everything done.
  • You stay stuck in those low-level tasks and feel burned out and overwhelmed. You have very little time to do what you do best, and your business stagnates – or worse, regresses because you can’t lead it as effectively as you should.
  • Nobody’s working to full potential and your team members don’t enjoy their jobs as much as they could or should. Productivity and sales suffer, which can cripple the business over time.
  • Your clients, vendors, and team go to you for everything, further adding to your stress and causing you to hit the ceiling. You’re working way too many hours on tasks and projects others should be doing.
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I know it’s hard to give up a little control of parts of your company. Your business is a direct extension of you, and it’s your finest work. It’s hard to let go of something you’ve worked so hard to create, but when you delegate to an Online Business Manager, you’re free to create, generate revenue and have an impact in the world.

When you delegate, you free your business (and you) to move to the next level. You have the time and energy to move into your role as CEO and Visionary, and your business continues to grow and prosper.

Brenda Violette is Founder and CEO of Violette Business Services, LLC, a business management company that partners with high level successful women business owners to grow their online business. Brenda helps her 6-7 figure clients step out of the daily grind of managing their business so that they can have the focus to create new revenue and enjoy more freedom in their business and lives. Her clients would tell you that her super power is helping them to grow a business they can love again! To learn more visit,