How To Find Your Dream Career: Myths & Realities


Most people make assumptions about careers. Often these assumptions are based on impressions they get from relatives and friends, from television shows and from workers and jobs that they see in their daily lives.

Impressions are a good place to start when looking for a career because they help people to identify possibilities. But at the same time, impressions can be misleading. They show only a small portion of reality, or worse: no reality at all.

That’s when career impressions become career myths.

People make all kinds of false assumptions because they have limited information. For example many people think that there are no opportunities in the manufacturing trades, that all high-paying jobs require a college degree, and that most teachers earn below-average salaries. Non of these myths is true. And believing myths like these limits career choices unnecessarily.

Some career myths are less about occupations that about the working in general. Myths like these can derail a career search and sap motivation.

Here are five common myths and realities, about careers.

Myth #1: There Is One Perfect Job For Me

Reality: There are many occupations and many jobs that you could enjoy. Focusing on finding a single, perfect career is not only intimidating, it’s limiting.

Myth #2: I will use all my talents and abilities in this job.
Reality: No one job uses all of your talents. And trying to find one that does will derail your career search.

Myth #3: No one will hire me because I lack experience, have low grades, hace gaps in my work history etc.

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Reality: People overcome all kinds of challenges to find satisfying work. Experts say that how you handle adversity is a good indicator of your ability to persevere.

Myth #4: My job has to match my college major or vocational training.

Reality: You need not to restrict your job search to careers related to your degree or training. Most jobs do not specify which college major is needed, even if they require that workers have a college degree.

Myth #5: It’s too late to change my career.

Reality: It’s never too late to change careers. Workers who change careers come from many backgrounds, age groups, and situations.

Career & Personality Tests

There are a lot career & personality tests online that can help you find fullfiling work, and create a profile for you. The tests should be designed using psychometric knowledge and should be approved by qualified scientists.

Career tests help you identify potential careers, based on your answers to specific questions. Some measure how closely your answers match to those of workers who are already in an occupation. Others match occupations to your personality type, skills or interests.

A good test should provide you with a personalized career strategy. These days things are changing so quickly, that unless your strategy is pesonalized and takes this highly dynamic environment into account, then you are vulnerable to the changes sweeping the job market.

Informational Interviewing

Talking to people about their work is one of the best ways to get accurate information about what a career is like. After all, who would know better about what it takes to a job well or what’s a job’s benefits and drawbacks are that someone who’s already working in it?The goal is to get the facts about an occupation.

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Just remember that one person’s experience is not universal. Whether a worker talks glowingly or disparagingly about his or her job, another worker in the same job almost surely disagrees. You will need to speak to more than one person and verify the perspectives.

Getting Experience

They say that the best way to get a feel for what a career would be like is to get work experience with it. Of course, it takes a while to get solid, relevant experience, but internships, volunteer work and entry level jobs provide a start. Employers value the skills learned through experience.

Remember that your own experiences are the least likely to fool you. Base your career perceptions on these. Even if you don’t start in the job you want, view these opportunities as a chance to get an inside track on the career you covet. Listen. Learn. All experience can work in your favor.

Here’s what you should know when trying to find your Dream Career:

1. What are Your top 3 “Fields of Work”

2. Which is the Career Personality Type you fit into and what types of work you are best suited to.

3. What are your dominant career abilities and career intelligences

4. What are your 6 key skills.