Fit Tip: How to Measure Your Fitness Goals Without Stepping On The Scale


Fitness resolutions seem to be on top of everyone’s list this year (mine included). Whether you’ve taken an oath to improve your diet, set up a new workout routine, or squeeze in more mid-workday walks, there are ways to track your progress without being discouraged by a scale—your progress is so much more than a number. In fact, today I’ve compiled a list of five different ways to measure your fitness goals that nix the scale altogether. From keeping a fitness diary to assessing your strength and endurance, this list will keep your endorphins and motivation at an all time high.

Keep reading to see how you can conquer your fitness goals without the dread of stepping on a scale…

1. But first…take a selfie.
Before and after photos have some serious power behind them. As you head into your new fitness regimen, snap a good old-fashioned selfie in your bathroom mirror. Over the course of the next few months, track your progress in a series of pictures. Compare your photos side by side to see how your hard work has been paying off. Before you know it, you’ll be seeing some serious improvement!

2. The fit of your clothing.
Let’s face it: Clothes have the power to make us feel more ways than we care to admit. Sexy, frumpy, good, bad—you name it, we’ve all felt it. That being said, let your clothing show you the progress you’ve been making. Set aside a goal outfit or article of clothing that you aspire to feel good in. Hang this outfit in plain sight. Seeing a visual representation of your goals can be the motivation you need to stay on track.

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3. Track your workouts.
Similar to a planner, keeping a detailed fitness diary or calendar can work wonders for your goals. Start each week by penciling in your workouts and meal plans. That way, you can visually mark your progress without deviating from the schedule you’ve created for yourself. If you don’t have a fitness calendar already, I suggest printing this one out from my Jump Start January Plan.

4. Boost your energy levels.
It’s time to cut down on the caffeine, because there’s a better way to boost your energy… Getting on a regular workout schedule is a surefire way to banish fatigue. If you’ve noticed a jump in your endorphins throughout the day and less of that dreaded sluggish feeling, then you’re doing something right. Your energy levels determine your productivity, improve your mood, and allow you to get the most out of those daylight hours. So what are you waiting for? Get moving!

5. Increase your strength and endurance.
The first week back at the gym can be brutal. The soreness alone can have you questioning if you’re using those machines correctly. Once the initial pain fades and you begin to get into a rhythm, refrain from stepping on the scale to measure your progress. Instead, focus on how your body has been feeling since you started working out. Ask yourself: Have I been able to incorporate heavier weights into my routine? Have I been able to run a longer distance without getting as winded? If your answer to these questions is yes, you’ve been accomplishing more than you think.

See also  Dress for Fitness